April 30, 1999
Dear Friends,
What a terrific trip we had! And it was largely
because of your prayers and financial blessings! Thank you for
your faithfulness to obey God!
Let me start by telling you about one of my favorite people at
the orphanage. Pablo is a 17-year-old youth who was brought forcibly
to Casa Hogar Gethsemane by the State Police early this year.
He was so strung out on drugs at the time that it took twelve
policemen to subdue him. However, by the time I arrived in February,
a miracle had taken place. Pedro and Elida (the leaders of the
children's home) had poured the love of Christ out so strongly
on this boy that he had radically changed as a new creature in
Christ. I felt much compassion for him and we quickly struck up
a friendship.
When my family arrived last week, all of Mexico was in "vacation
mode" as it is spring break everywhere. This meant that all of
the children of both orphanages were in Galeana. Pablo's entire
family (Father, Mother, 19-year-old brother, 16-year-old sister
and Aunt) was also visiting him at the home. As we spent time
interacting with the children Saturday. Pablo's father (Mario)
was visibly moved and struck up a conversation with us. He told
us how happy he was that we would invest our lives in his children
and thanked us over and over again. I didn't think much about
this until Easter Sunday afternoon, when, just before they left
to return to their hometown of Monterrey, WE LED THE ENTIRE FAMILY
TO A SINCERE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Praise God! I am enclosing
a photo of these precious people. Would you please remember to
pray for them?
Later that day, I also had the honor of joining the head of the
orphanage, Pedro Lara in baptizing six people in nearby Laguna
de Labradores. The anointing of God was very strong and all six
people received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit when we prayed
for them after they came out of the water. We will never forget
this Resurrection Sunday!
On Monday, we asked Elida what the children's biggest need was,
and she told us that about 25 of the children did not have shoes
to wear to school. Now, wouldn't you know it, the children of
Abundant Life Church in Greenville, SC, where Elaine is the Children's
Pastor gave over $200 for just such a need. We combined our assets
with hers and we were able to bless these precious children with
shoes to wear. No child will be shoeless this coming school year.
One day, Evangelists Bruce and Beth Carter of
New Covenant Creation Ministies (and dear friends of ours from
our home church) went to a distant village with us to minister.
There was a demon-possessed man there who had virtually destroyed
the church in the village. After much prayer, we met with him,
and the Lord completely delivered him and set him free. According
to his wife, he spoke for the first time in three years, saying
(in Spanish): "Jesus Christ lives in me"! Many in this family
were blessed because of this man's testimony and we believe that
it is the beginning of a great revival in this village.
As for Bruce's crusades, dozens of people were
saved and many more recommitted their lives to Christ. We assisted
him on Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights. What was exciting for
us was that when they prepared to leave Galeana to begin their
crusade in Linares, we felt uneasy about following them there.
I spent most of Wednesday fasting and seeking God, and after much
corporate prayer between Carrla, Elaine, Justin, Jessica and me,
we felt strongly that the Lord wanted us to remain in Galeana
with the children until Friday afternoon.
After receiving confirmation from the Laras and
the Carters, we found out that our staying at the children's home
would give most of the Lara family a much-needed rest. So, with
help from Elida's brother Manuel (Remember him? He was the one
who gave his heart to Jesus in February) we looked after the orphans.
It was a blessing for us to be able to lay down
our lives for the Lara family in this way. They all mean so much
to Carrla and me. In addition to serving nearly 70 children, they
also oversee 58 local churches in villages spread over North Central
Mexico! Pedro and Elida are true servants in the kingdom of God.
On Thursday, we led a Bible study with the older
children, and taught them the importance of praying for each other.
They immediately "went to work" gathering all of the sick in the
compound, and six children were instantly healed of various diseases!
Of course, when the younger children saw what was happening, many
of them joined right in the prayers. What a wonderful example
of "childlike faith!"
When we began preparations to return to Linares
on Friday afternoon, it was a painful, tearful goodbye for us.
Carrla is really looking forward to her next trip this July with
our mission team from our local church.
Friday night, we ministered with the Carters
during their crusade in Linares. After the prayer time, several
village pastors approached me about coming to their village to
minister. Please pray with us regarding this because we deeply
desire to do the will of God concerning these dear saints. There
are more needs in these villages than we can possibly handle on
our own, but our God is an awesome God, and we "want to reach
the ones that nobody does". May He find us faithful to Him and
to our calling when He returns!
We want to thank you again for your faithfulness.
We pray that God will bless you richly according to His Word.
Because of His great love, tender mercies, and
great grace we are…
In His Service,
The Rich Family
CJ, Carrla, Justin, Jessica, Jared and Jacob
BurningHeart Ministries International
is a non-profit ministry and all gifts are tax deductible. Your
contribution will further the many outreaches planned for 1999
and beyond. Make your check payable to: BurningHeart Ministries
International 3866 Lester Woods Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044
P.S. You will be hearing soon
from Justin and Jessica about their upcoming mission to the nation
of Costa Rica and about my upcoming trip to Vancouver, British

Please pray for the Mario Marroquin family.

Jared says that this is a picture of him
with Justin's first car! (Ha!)

Baptizing new believers Easter Sunday.

The Soto family receives prayer.

Justin prays for Ronato during the Galeana
Para Cristo Crusade.
(Reminds Carrla and me of III John 1:4)