Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Several years ago, the Lord placed a burden in my heart to go to the mission
field. As you are probably aware, last year we sent our son Justin to
Caracas, Venezuela with a number of other teens who were on fire for Jesus.
He came back to Atlanta with a fire in his bones and a zeal for the Lord
that he never had before.
This year, God is leading me to take Carrla, Justin and Jessica to work
with one of the missionaries that our church supports in Mexico from July
10-19. We will be spending part of our trip with Gerald Brown of Outreach
Unlimited in Ciudad Victoria and the rest of the time with Hope for the
Hungry in Galeana. (This is in an area southeast of Monterrey, Mexico
near the Sierra Madre mountain range).
Carrla's heart has always been to minister to children and she will have
many new opportunities in the orphanages in Galeana. Justin, Jessica,
and I will be performing a drama in many of the villages surrounding Galeana,
assisting Gerald Brown with his crusade in Jaumave, as well as spending
time working in the children's home.
We ask you to consider prayerfully joining us in our efforts to reach
the lost in Mexico. Anything that you can contribute will be a blessing.
Please make your check payable to Landmark Church and place a sticky note
with our name on it if you wish to designate your gift toward our trip.
Whether or not you make a financial contribution, please pray for us.
Pray especially that we will walk according to Philippians 2.
Finally, may the Lord pour His blessings upon you in great abundance and
may you know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship
of His sufferings.
Because of His great love, tender mercies, and great grace we are…
In His Service,
The Rich Family
CJ, Carrla, Justin and Jessica Rich
BurningHeart Ministries International
is a non-profit ministry and all gifts are tax deductible. Your
contribution will further the many outreaches planned for 1999
and beyond. Make your check payable to: BurningHeart Ministries
International 3866 Lester Woods Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044
P.S. You will be hearing soon
from Justin and Jessica about their upcoming mission to the nation
of Costa Rica and about my upcoming trip to Vancouver, British

Please pray for the Mario Marroquin family.

Jared says that this is a picture of him
with Justin's first car! (Ha!)

Baptizing new believers Easter Sunday.

The Soto family receives prayer.

Justin prays for Ronato during the Galeana
Para Cristo Crusade.
(Reminds Carrla and me of III John 1:4)