"And now for the dreamers, and those who have dared to believe The flames call us deeper into the great mystery
For as we draw near to the Father we are lost in this one desire To be wholly consumed by His fire,
so let us Throw back our heads and run with the passion Through the fields of forgiveness and grace
We carry the eternal flame With an undying hope and a blazing conviction Of a truth that will never fade
We are glowing in the dark Children of the Burning Heart"

--”Children of the Burning Heart” By Steven Curtis Chapman ©1996 Sparrow Song/Peach Hill Songs/BMI


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Our Long Range Goals

Forge alliances with established ministries in nations in East Africa, including Ethiopia and the Sudan.

Multiple language acquisition (Amharic, etc.)

Establish support teams for long-term missionaries and pastors in as many nations as God leads.

Set up children’s ministries where possible within local villages/towns.

Increase support base to become full-time ministers of the gospel.