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March 26, 1999

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

As a 14-year-old youth, the Lord called me onto the mission field. (Carrla was similarly called into full time ministry as a teen.) Unfortunately, as many others have done, I ran from that call for many years. The reasons were numerous and unjustifiable. Thank God, though, in Romans 11:29 it says, "God's gifts and His call are irrevocable". We are grateful that as we have begun to yield ourselves to His will for our lives, He has given our family the opportunity to make numerous trips to the mission field in the past year.

During my most recent trip to Mexico, the Lord performed various miracles as I preached in the poor villages near Galeana, Nuevo Leon. In addition to these physical miracles, many broken hearted people in the body of Christ were restored and refreshed as the love of Christ was ministered to them.

A major fruit of this ministry trip was for Carrla and me to catch fire with the vision that He had given to us many years ago. Because of the Lord's leading, we are excited to announce the creation of:


BurningHeart Ministries International

We believe that this ministry is a combination of the gifts that the Lord Jesus has placed within both of our hearts as described in our personal mission statements. My mission is to love into wholeness the broken and wounded in the body of Christ. Carrla's mission is to nurture and teach the love of Jesus to children. We believe that our combined efforts will reach many people in these last days. God is leading us to take the gospel to several nations, including Canada and Ethiopia. We also believe that the first nation that God has called us to is Mexico.

Our first missions trip as BurningHeart Ministries International will be to Mexico on April 4, 1999 (Resurrection Week). The Lord is directing us to take our four children and one other person (Elaine Fetter) with us on this first trip. During this time, we will be ministering in the villages of San Marcos and San Francisco, the orphanages of Galeana and Linares, and we will be supporting a crusade even in each of these cities. The total amount necessary for us to take this trip is $2,400. This includes airfare, lodging and food for the seven of us. So far, God has provided approximately one third of the amount needed. Praise God! The main reason for this letter is that we are looking for people who feel a kindred spirit with us in this ministry. First, would you be able to commit to pray for us? We need believers praying for us as we go into enemy territory. Second, would you seek the Lord about sowing seed into this ministry? We are confident that where God guides He provides so we know that God will bring in the remainder of these funds. We just wanted you to have an opportunity to be a part of this exciting ministry. All we ask is that you be obedient to the Holy Spirit concerning this matter.

We want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We pray that God will bless you richly according to His Word!

Because of His great love, tender mercies, and precious grace, we are… In His Service,


The Rich Family
CJ, Carrla, Justin, Jessica, Jared and Jacob
BurningHeart Ministries International