Here Am I, Send Me
The Lord spoke to my heart concerning music back in
1995. Because of His transforming power, what once was an idol that
I served now serves me. One of the ways that He does this is He uses
music as an instrument to speak through me. Here is a photo of the Lord
using me to minister in song at a crusade in McDonough, GA.

Another way is to use music as a vessel to speak to me. The song below,
written by the late Keith Greene is the cry of my heart. God used this
song in 1993 to light the missions fire in my heart. Now that I look
back on it, this was the very beginning of BurningHeart Ministries International.
Thank God, He is answering this prayer! :o) --CJ
"Oh Lord, There's just so much to be done Oh Lord, So many
souls to be won Oh Lord, This world is falling apart Dying for
love from a broken heart
Oh, Here am I send me Though there's really not that much
I can do What I have seems so small But I want to give it all
to You
Oh Lord, You said the harvest was great And Lord, looks
like the workers are late It's getting hard to understand How
they ignore Your great command
Oh, here am I, send me Though You said the one's who labor
are few Still my heart hears the call And I want to give it
all to You
Oh, just to reach the ones nobody does Give up my property
to work in the mud I want to be like those who spill their blood
And give it like water to You
Oh Lord, there's just so much to be done Oh Lord, so many
souls to be won It seems this world is falling apart Lord, won't
You send me"
Ó 1979, 1987 Birdwing Music / Ears to Hear Music (admin.
by Birdwing Music)(ASCAP)